New Job :)
*blowing dust away* Hey guys! It's been ages since I've updated anything here and the last post was damn random and didn't had any depth, input or so called a no brainier video for that matter. Thousand apologies. Teehee. Life was kind of fast forward for me, I had interviews, training on January (which I didn't get to enjoy my birthday and rest from my hard work studying to finish up my diploma) and was deployed at the end of January itself. I didn't planned out for all this. I t was purely intuition came from the heart that "oh i should apply this job, may be I can get myself in to become a teacher one fine day". I always believe that Allah will grant your wishes as he wants, whether it is fast, later or something better. I got some wishes granted and this is one of it. Allah planted an intention that he wanted us to be guided and best for us. Alhamdulillah, I got the job. It wasn't my dream job and it didn't make me go wow or feel belonged...