
Solo day trip to Bintan

Impromptu? Bintan? Solo? Never went there before? I took my AL wayyy before just to stay at home and rest or do nothing at all but because of one HOD told me to go somewhere, just a day trip to Batam or Bintan will do, just to unwind myself, I decided to make an impromptu trip. I know nothing about Bintan and never step there myself. So little time and information, I was desperate and read a lot of blogs on how to go there. I purchased my ticket 1 week before I go after I got reply from Stu from Air Adventure, a 20-min seaplane ride which only available in Bintan. That's the very  reason why I wanted to go Bintan, because I saw my friend, Adilah went there. Other than that, I'm sure, there's spas there but no idea any available spas and how to book (am sucha noob!) So I just make my way to Bintan on 18th Decmeber, on a Thrusday with only an information from Stu that he will be waiting for me at the ferry terminal. HAHA! I took the early ferry at 9.10am and rea...