
3rd trimester and LABOUR

  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Here comes the third and final trimester. The first week was okay, I felt great and didn't really feel I have entered third trimester. I took Covid vaccine (Pfizer) at week 26 as advised by Dr Yong. Saw Dr Yong on 28 weeks , she asked me to postpone my 2nd jab because of my high heartbeat rate just to be on the safer side. Being at 7 months, my nausea and bloatedness are back, Dr Yong said it could be acid reflux coz the baby is higher and she gave me some gastric pills which really helps! I also feel very tired, breathless and wobbly az my centre of gravity is haywire. My last scan was arranged earlier to 31 weeks and have to see high-risk endocrine to see my thyroid and ECG results.  At 29 weeks , I fell at work and everyone was panicking. I didn't want to go to hospital but one of the bosses asked me too (and yeah I had to pay $100+ on my own, should have gone A&E and claim from company insurance) Alhamdulillah nothing happened and I was fit to

My First and Second Trimester Story

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Today was supposed to be my EDD day but my baby decided to come early to this world. hehe Anyways, let's recap on what happened during my first trimester. After we got our big fat positive,  I still have to go to the hospital every week for a blood test on 18 Jan, 25 Jan and 8 Feb, I skipped 1 Feb because Dr Yong said don't need it. I had to do 2 weeks of scanning until I graduated from my 1st trimester, 1 Feb and 15 Feb.  18 Jan Beta HCG: 253 Estradiol: 555 Progesterone: 41.5 25 Jan Beta HCG: 3750 Estradiol: 611 Progesterone: 36.1 I was supposed not to take a blood test anymore from 1 Feb (my first baby scan) onwards but because the nurse saw my progesterone was on the almost low side, they asked me to come down again to do a blood test on 8 Feb. 10 Feb Beta Hcg 86296 Estradiol 1412 Progesterone 49.8 And that concludes my end of CARE visit. I've graduated from CARE! Felt so much joy and at the same time, feeling sad because the nurses are so good, ca

My FET Journey

  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Assalamualaikum everyone. How are you all doing? As we entered our 6th years anniversary, I would like to share with you my FET journey a.k.a. my IVF 1.1. Many of you were wondering, where is my latest post of my new IVF cycle? FET or frozen egg transfer was way easier for me because I don't need to do as many scans as before, no injections needed and I can just plan when I wanted to do it. Alhamdulillah my second round of transfer, which is my first frozen transfer was smooth and totally different from the first one. I have decided to use up all my frozen embryos (2 in total) that I had and tawakkal alaAllah. One was BB grade (same as my first cycle) and one was grade 2.  I prepared more this time around by eating more healthy, exercise and being active, I even went to TCM (4 out of 6 times of the package that I took). I find that this round was better because there weren't injections. Only oral tablets and only 1 scan. I really love this arrangement a

Done and dusted! - finally I completed my degree

The time has come! Like finalyyyy, I got my final results and pass! Alhamdulillah!! I was supposed to graduate on June 2020 but because of my financial constraints (focusing on my new home, IUI and IVF), I decided to defer my studies 1 semester and stretched my studies from 3 modules to 2 modules per semester. I think it is a blessing in disguise as Covid-19 hit hard from Jan - August 2020, I got to finish my 3 semesters by online learning. I won't say it is easy but it really saved my time and journey to school and back. I would say, listening to lectures for 3 hours straight at home is very hard because you get distracted on whether to cook dinner, pray or just lazing around/sleep. Online exams are tougher than we anticipated during the Covid period during the Jan - Jun 2020 and when they decided to scrap the idea during the July - Dec 2020 semester and substitute with a 3rd assignment (NOOOOO!!), it was quite a bummer but of course, more time to do assignments and research. But

Review of Thomson Medical - TCM Fertility Treatments

Bismillah. I know some of you have been waiting for this review for the longest time from my previous blog post. We will do backstory a bit before I share my experience.  I wanted to prepare my body for the second IVF because it is frustrating that we have invested so much money and time for this. So I am putting 110% effort such as reducing my weight, eating healthy and preparing my body. I knew that my body wasn't in the best shape after the first round with bloatedness and gaining weight. Moreover, I have a "cold" womb because of my cold legs. To prepare the body and the eggs, they will need me to attend at least 3 months in order to see results. Before I started TCM, I went for a whole-body massage (Malay style) at SpaJelita. To be frank, the massage did not make me feel better, just like someone pressing on my sore muscles, that's all. Last time they had a ginger massage but I think they scrapped it. I was looking into the option of going to Raffles Hospital (jus

32nd Birthday!

Alhamdulillah I am still blessed to reach my 32nd years of living. Start of a small celebration with my family members coming over the weekends. We ordered Fatty Bombom , smores brownie from @sweetneez and mom brought putri salat (my favourite!). I was so happy to get my family to come to my place and play with our kittens. heheh K lah not really a celebration but just makan-makan session. Then on the day itself, at work my colleagues surprised me with a Chocolate Origin cake. so yummy! I have been wanting to have one and it just melts in my mouth.   Then when I cam back from work, A surprised me with a cake with an LV bag design. It was so cute because I told him that I did not manage to get a branded bag for my birthday. The xake was delicious too. Then A and I went to Carousel for our dinner because I was eyeing the chilli lobster, oysters and the duck. It was splendid! I had to eat all my favourite food and waited patiently for the desserts. Of course, I was waiting for bread pudd