
Showing posts from February, 2017

Birthday Surprise!

MY BALI VIDEO IS RUINED ALL THANKS TO FINAL CUT PRO AND UPDATE OF THE NEW IOS!!! I have to buy iMovie to do it as the previous owner doesn't have it. Might as well I just do it on my phone right since its free on it? 🤔🤔 Anyways, my colleagues did a great job of preparing my birthday surprise during the CNY luncheon. We had our CNY lunch at Bali Thai at One KM (ikr! gave me the chills). To our surprise our Laoshi doesn't know how to eat or do Yu Sheng so we cancelled order. I brought only 2 oranges to gave it to her but I guess our traditions/customs in Singapore and China is totally different (and she's Atheist anyways, so if you ask her about hungry ghost festival or whatever, she would say in China they never practice such thing. Even wearing Qipao/Cheongsam is actually not a thing). Skali baru ingatlah China kan bekas communist, mane ade agama nye orang. chettt. Anywhooooossss!!! I is so happy I got Victoria Secret from my ladies in the ho...