
Showing posts with the label engagement

MegaZip with love

We have a lot of differences but it doesn't mean it is all bad. It is about adapting and compromising. Opposite attracts. And I believe that we are meant for each other in so many ways even tho we have our differences in characteristics and minat. But it is never a hindrance to us to be together, stronger. And it just makes my heart melts that he would do anything to make me happy eventho he had to face his fear of heights. I love you more and more seeing how much you willing to sacrifice just to do things together. 💕💖💕💖💕💖💕 *i tak paksa him to do zipline tau, he yg suggested. Can see his face dah turned pale* Cheesy much right? Hehehe. 💑 To many more great adventures together and insyaAllah I try my best to compromise my part for you. #fizmiadventures A photo posted by Fiza Aw (@fiza_licious) on May 2, 2015 at 6:27am PDT The caption says all. I can't express enough how much things changed since I got engaged and now. 2 years seems long and we are gettin...