
Showing posts with the label johor bahru

Staff Retreat - Pulai Spring Resort

Another long due blog from May. I kept all these pictures nearly a year just to blog! Haha! The idea of this retreat was to just escape work , especially during my high tide season where all stuff were basically shoved to me due to passing on of my HOD. It was conducted during a normal school days, a 2-days-1-night trip to Johor (Pulai Spring Resort, like woahh right?) on a Thursday and Friday. Apelagi, since it's fully paid by my company, I just go. Without realizing it was a retreat, rather than a vacation or time-off from work or what. Only when we were half way through the day, we search for the meaning of retreat *haiz*, and regretted it. Retreat means:  A  place   affording   peace,   quiet,   privacy,  or  security.   See   Synonyms  at  shelter . A  period  of  seclusion,   retirement,  or  solitude. A  period  of  group   withdrawal   for   prayer,   meditation,  or  study:   a  religious   retreat. Why did we regretted it? We were seated in a functional room