
Showing posts with the label baby

My FET Journey

  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Assalamualaikum everyone. How are you all doing? As we entered our 6th years anniversary, I would like to share with you my FET journey a.k.a. my IVF 1.1. Many of you were wondering, where is my latest post of my new IVF cycle? FET or frozen egg transfer was way easier for me because I don't need to do as many scans as before, no injections needed and I can just plan when I wanted to do it. Alhamdulillah my second round of transfer, which is my first frozen transfer was smooth and totally different from the first one. I have decided to use up all my frozen embryos (2 in total) that I had and tawakkal alaAllah. One was BB grade (same as my first cycle) and one was grade 2.  I prepared more this time around by eating more healthy, exercise and being active, I even went to TCM (4 out of 6 times of the package that I took). I find that this round was better because there weren't injections. Only oral tablets and only 1 scan. I really love this arrangement ...

Our unsuccessful IUI journey

BISMILLAH Here I am, putting up a LOT of courage to share our failed IUI journey at KKH. I've jotted down a journal that I've kept because I might forgot the experience and the details as well. So here is my journey of my $2000 baby (no, not prada bag) Day 10: 11 April A and I opted to do IUI after we failed trying on our own because of my irregular menses and ovulation (I don't know how to use the ovulation pee kit). We decided in January to get my last period using the Clomid pills and then we are good to go for the next round. So February menses came and I missed the session for IUI so I have to wait for another cycle. They gave like a financial talk and how's the process like during the briefing of 30 mins. During our wait, we tried on our own again, and me buying ovulation kits and pee on it like nobody's business. The clauses that we had to abide to Injection dates This picture is super expired on the pee stick. Not valid to use it. 17 ...

Fertility Diet

Hi everyone! I've been too busy with so many things going around at the same time and almost forgotten about this. I've tried to do a lot of research on fertility diet and I find it the hardest for me to do. haha. All the yummy and fatty stuff are too tempting definitely. Here's a great video (and I have yet to try! opss :p) The challenge is for 21 days. We have 5 important things you should add to your current diet EVERY SINGLE DAY. We call these the Important 5. The Important 5 1. Drink 1 quart of water first thing in the morning. You can add squeezed lemon to this if you would like. 2. Drink 1 fertility smoothie every day. The fertility smoothie should contain at least one fertility superfood (maca, spirulina, FertiliGreens, royal jelly, etc.) 3. Eat one big green salad per day. 4. Eat one dark leafy vegetable every day. Swiss chard, kale, spinach, etc. 5. Drink one green juice every day. (If you are not able to get a juicer you can replac...

Fertility Essential Oil

As most of you know that I have been into essential oils since 2015. I vouched and a beliver even though so many other people saying the other thing especially when I am using Young Living. Anywho, I find theirs are the most potent and effective! My go-to essential oil is Thieves for A because he was always sick and bad fever which could take up a week or two. After rubbing Thieves on his feet and wore socks over, he is perfectly fine the next day. I used Peppermint as my tummyache or migraine ointment while Lemon in my plain water drink to reduce weight and it helps! I bought Eucalyptus for my sinus but it didn't do that great. I still have sinus and allergic to dust and cold.  Okay enough with the intro already! After much research through the net, I slowly bought few essential oils for fertility but at that point of time, I don't know how to use it. Google too did not help me as most of them just list down, hey lavender is good for releasing stress, clary sage is good f...

TTC - back at it again!

Updates on my baby journey. It is almost a year that we are TTC. I remembered that I went to polyclinic to get my referral letter in December and only saw my first gynea appointment in Feb as I was late for my appointment in January. Fast forward to today, I just finished my first round of Clomid and the results was that I am not ovulating. I had to take blood test on 21st day to know whether my progesterone is present. The reason I am not ovulating is that I have a very irregular menses and the ovulation dates varies. For other people who have PCOS, endometriosis or others, you reason and causes may differ. You really have to understand your body situation and why things didn't happen. Here are some terms that you need to know in order to figure out what causing late menses or no ovulation. Estrogen (in the female reproductive system) In low concentration, estrogen inhibin LH secretion. The higher the estrogen, the lower the FSH produced during menses. But when in hig...

Baby, baby, baby ohhhhh

Please be prepared that this post WILL be emotional. Dalam tidak memberi zuriat, Allah itu memberi. فالاستعداد في المنع حقه Masih Tak Dapat Zuriat "Kenapa aku masih tak dapat zuriat?".. Posted by Cocombee on Monday, May 14, 2018 This whole process takes up a lot of time, effort, leaves and emotional craziness. To a point that I don't want to have my own child as I would want to live carefree and travel to anywhere I want easily now. Yes, it does get to that point when you have that thought "If there is nothing wrong, why do you need to fix it?" The transitions thoughts of having a baby is very funny. We both are in a different phase and thought process of having child/children. Engagement years Me: I want kids right after I got married. 4/5 is quite a good number. A: Erm, I don't have a thought of it, but if we have, it would be 2. Year 1 Me: Ok I'm so ready for baby. A: Let's give us some time for honeymoon period, to kno...

Infertility Journey

Bismilllah. "Dalam Allah tidak memberi, itu adalah pemberian" I have gathered much courage to share with all of you that this is my Infertility Journey . I am quite denial up till yesterday during my check-up post surgery and revealing the results from the lab test regarding my polyp growth. Some of medical terms that you need to familiar with. What is Polyp ? Uterine polyps are growths attached to the inner wall of the uterus that extend into the uterine cavity. Overgrowth of cells in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) leads to the formation of uterine polyps, also known as endometrial polyps. These polyps are usually noncancerous (benign), although some can be cancerous or can eventually turn into cancer (precancerous polyps). Here is the picture of my uterus, the day surgery when they removed the polyps. The first line was the thickening of the wall lining. Second line is the opening of the Fallopian Tubes. Third line were the polyps in the uterine li...

A sudden and emergency surgery

Sorry guys for not updating as the title said so. Okay I will explain to one by one. I went for HyFoSy alone because it I chose it after work. My appointment was the last slot on 11 April, which was 3.45pm. I reached on the spot and quickly register myself. Registration took some time and explaining on the things they needed to do, procedures and consent which Ii told them I watched YouTube video to know more and adhere everything. lol. changed to my "operation" gown and had to wait for the patients before me to go. I can't remember how many times I had to pee that time because I was too nervous. The room was quite big and comfy, there's 2 technicians explaining things to me while the doctor was still outside. I saw the apparatus and straight away stoked on it. The procedure was invasive, which was not the best and appealing but both technician and Dr Yeo did a great job for being very careful and less uncomfortable/awkward. The procedure took nearly 30 min...

The baby journey

Bismillah. Today, I would like to share with all of you on my (our) journey of having a baby. After so long I have been contemplating to share with people whether it is too personal or is it good to share with people on the same boat as me. People tend to ask me whether are we practicing family planning, which I would flipped. I AM NOT ON ANY BIRTH CONTROL and we are readily wanting a baby. I have always wanted a big family like mine, close knitted and so fun to have so many siblings around. I have 4 younger brothers and my maternal side consist of 45 cousins altogether age ranges from 10 years older and 15 years younger than me. My cousins are my first best friends since I don't have sisters. I even told my cousins that I want to have kids as soon as possible and maybe have 2 kids before 30. I got married at late 26 and my birthday is in January so I tend to grow older faster. I "planned" that I would have 2 or 3 kinds before 30 because of age factor. We tried...

Marriage stages

OMGGG I just need to share this post and video I found in FB to you guys who are getting married and already married. If you are wondering that you feel that you are the only one who is experiencing this and having said that you can't actually share much about your marriage life to anyone and felt depressed, you can read this article from Ukti Safiyah or even better watch her video! Ukti Safiyah was explaining the raw reality of marriage where people always thought it is the nicest, fantasy-like, happily ever after endings. Well, its not. Its the beginning of new life. She spoke my heart out. The reality of marriage can make you depressed if you don't get it right and felt like this is not what I signed up for and gave up. There's a video to the article which I find it easier to digest before you read the article. The article link: I will point out some of the things that I ...