Mencari Tuhan.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Dalam bulan Ramadan ini, lazimnya otak kite akan register that tak boleh makan and minum, solat terawih, bazaar ramadan, raya. Akan tetapi kite terlupe that it is the best opportunity to grab whatever that we have right now utk make ourselves better, to train our Nafs and increase our iman. It is where all the doors of heaven will be open and all the doors of hell will be closed. All the good deeds will be multiplied of many multiplefolds and deeds are remain as the same. The nights are to be celebrated with much night prayers from tarawih and tahajjud prayers. The month of ramadan is also called the month of Quran where Quran was brought down from Allah to siratul muntaha and to Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. himself. The month that Nabi taddarrus the Quran with Jibreel and imagine, at a normal day, 1 hurf is multiple by 10, if in the month of ramadan? Multiplefolds of pahala you! Now, we are left with 21 days of fasting and ramadan. How is our ramadan going? Do...