

So here are the pictures :) so the newly weds are honeymooning now for a Europe tour till new year.Jealous much!!


OK Alhamdulillah my cousin is someone's wife.awwww and alhamdulillah everything went fine on that they except me. I feel so horrible coz i didnt make any preparation on becoming an emcee and i said things inappropriate.such a disgrace coz i was speaking in Malay :O saw few people that i recongnize & i just love the day. the only thig that i dont like is that i didnt manage to interact much with my cousins whom i believe i didnt get to talk so much with them. pictures? my pictures could not transfer from my SD Card to the computer for now.maybe i'll fix it later and post the pictures ya?:)


Tanda-tanda kalau dia JODOH kita itu ada dua: ✿ ~ 1. DIPERMUDAHKAN ✿ ~ 2. MENDEKATKAN kita kepada Allah.. Jika tidak ada dua-duanya, BERMAKNA dia BUKAN JODOH kita..makanya bila tanda itu tiba, BUKANLAH MATA..jangan terus DIBUTAKAN CINTA.. >>> PERCAYALAH pada Allah..percaya SUNGGUH-SUNGGUH, jangan ragu-ragu..jangan berprasangka, YAKINLAH dengan sepenuh hati..ketentuanNYA pasti yang TERBAIK..semoga itu membuat kamu BERLAPANG DADA dengan ketentuanNYA.. ♥♥♥

#kahwinblogs: Marriage

“marriage is not merely an alliance of two people because of the love that they have, but rather it is a journey of faith, where you have someone that you love the most holding your hands along the path. The path is not always a straight one and conducive, but rather hilly and thorny. One of you may fall down into a giant holes for quite number of times, but the one that is holding your hand will always pull you up back and never let it go because it is not a matter of love solely, but accompanied by the strong belief in Allah because when you ” please your Lord, you please your spouse and when you spend love, it grows.”  - by Bro Reda Bedeir , Orchards of Love. via bro Nabil Al Farabi I have so much in mind to write right now. First things first. Marriage. One of my favourite topics and yet it is one of the longest syarh(elaborations) that need constant searching for case studies and dalils(evidences). Marriage is not a one day moment. It is a commitment that two people ...

Aladdin the Musical

had a great time with my friends :)) laugh our lungs out,the casts are very friendly,warm & humble

i missed HFW!!

OMG!! I MISSED HFW(Hijab Fashion Week for short)!!!its from 27 November to 3 December! OK i didnt register myself on  but i wanted to participate!why??? there cool themes and prizes to be won(but im not into the prize anyways) since my blog is personal rants,i guess HFW is one of the ways that i can actually expose myself(since i dont really post myself alot here) and still keep it personal.ok the themes are Here are the Themes for each day, so start snapping those pictures: Day 1 -- Leaders in Hijab: what leadership roles do you have or want to try? (President, teacher, mother, Volunteer Leader, CEO etc.). Day 2 -- Hobby/Recreation: What do you do when you have free time? (hike, sail, write, paint, etc.) Day 3 -- Break the Rules: A stylish hijabi can look good in anything, even when she's breaking the rules! Pick a fashion/style rule you always follow, and show us how you'd break it in style! (Any style rule may be broken, ex...


أريده يهرول إلى المساجد إذا ما سمع الآذان ♥ أريده يوما يأتي ليفاجئني برحلة وليست كأيّ رحلة لبيت الله الحرام ♥ أريده يوقظني ليلا... للقيام بين يدي الله الرّحمن ♥ أريده لا يضيّع الفجر ويوقظني له ويكون نعم المعين ♥ أريده منير الوجه بالإيمان ♥ أريده متمسّكا بخلق الحياء مثل حبيبي المصطفى العدنان ♥ أريده عند الغضب حليما وإذا غضب منّي لا نمضي يومنا إلّا ومضى معه كلّ شيء ♥ أريده يستحقّ قلبي الّذي سأهديه له وحده ليس قبله ولا بعده إنسان ♥ أريده يأتي يوما ويهمس في أذني "أحبّك يا أجمل النّساء" ♥ أريده رفيقا لي فى أعالي الجنان عند ربّ العرش الحنّان المنّان ♥ أحلم بصلاة يكون إمامها زوجي ويشاركني فيها أولادي --- اللهم أرزق بنات المسلمين أزواج صالحين