What I miss

I miss writing beautiful things, notes and all. The sentence structure, the rhymes and rhythms, the poetic languages.

But what I miss the most right now is tender loving care.
I really need it, I miss it, I want it but he won't understand I guess. I was even more depressed that ever that he didn't acknowledge my effort, never even said thank you and the best part is, he just left the card there as if like it is a normal note and didn't even bring it back home or keep it. *sigh*

well, all the little things are important to me. if he can't tolerate that, i don't know what to say. i guess the saying is too true at this situation right now: action speaks louder than words.

On the other hand, at my side, it might come out that I'm not showing much effort on messaging and calling but I do some little things that I feel that it's important. I try not to fall in love so much as last time as I wouldn't want to get hurt badly like last time. And no, it's not because that I wanted to build up walls and cast him away or make him plead to me or whatever. I will only surrender my heart to my legally wedded husband. For now, you can only have a portion of it. I am hoping that he will understand.

Sounds like unfair?But I did my part too but you didn't even care less.huhu. thanks eh.

On a more sad note, part is we gonna celebrate our first when he's at Vietnam and I'm gonna take care of the students going to Basic Air Pistol Course at Bukit Batok. huhu.
