Day 1 & 2 in Hong Kong

This post is so overdue that I almost forgotten about it :/

I love Hong Kong and that's the fact. The fact that it was cool and we had nice food and scenery was splendid. I really enjoyed there.

Day 1 started from the time we overnight in the airport with sleepy faces smacked on our faces.hahah. we had troubles of having heavy luggages and some drama we made it through the cold night in the airport.

We've reached airport and we just hop on to the train (similarly like MRT it's only called MTR). Kinda expensive from airport itself because it cost us HK$100 which was equivalent to SG$28. so we decided to stop somewhere and grab a cab.


And we finally reached our hotel room!! We did our wash up and rest for a little while and then we continue to go shopping at Ladies Market!

Our friendly hotel staff actually gave us a map and direct us to go to the places

Our room!!

with kitchen appliances. This room doesn't comes with breakfast but we don't mind because there is a halal shop just in front of our hotel selling breads and pizzas and kebabs! A few stops away, we can actually go to Islamic Centre to grab the dim sum which we actually did for our 4th day.

And we are out again! With fresh make up to brace the day. You can actually see how packed it was. Exactly like Singapore.

Some street shots

We didn't really buy anything much because nothing really fancy us except for the normal souvenir that we have give our family members (T shirt with HK name of course!). And now, let;s indulge some good food from Islamic Centre. We were damn famished!!

The prices of the food is exactly the same as in Singapore. Around $4-5 per plate 

Oh I definitely love the Chrysanthemum Honey tea. Super awesome!!

Jakun people taking the tram. The tram is super cheap okay. Its just HK$2.40 which is less than 40cents SGD :O

Day 2, Macau!

We took the tram again to the ferry terminal and we board the tram again.

Feeling2 OOTD yg tak menjadi

I love this picture!!!!

You need a passport to get to Macau. The tix is cheapp HKD159

My partner in crime taking LOADS of pictures

Ruins of St Paul. The only thing left of the church

all four

I wanted to take the Gondola but it seems not fun, this "italian" guy sang for me in Cantonese - wo ai ni 

See I told you!

Here's the man-made canal looks like

Too pretty awesome! Tak dpt pegi Venice pon takpe, ni pun dah cukup best

Oh I forgot to tell you that the hightlights of Macau is definitely the Bungee Jump, Sky Jumpe and Sky Walk. My 2 cousins did their bungee jump and sky jump whereas me and Mas only did the Skywalk. We did it together and it was definitely fun and exciting!!

Muka cramp pasal takut

Some of the challanges that we had to do. Takut oi

Awkward position because I was scared

Jom sembang2 sambil gantung kaki

And they gave us ze certificate for the achievement. awesome or whattt!!!

Indeed we had so much fun!! I'll continue the next 4 days of what we did in HK!! *hint-hint*(Disneyland and Victoria Park). Ok toodles!

oh before I forgot!!!!

Let's watch our video by my cousin xoxo
