Savings Part 2

I just feel a need to post something regarding savings.

What I am doing right now is save 50% of my monthly income. Yes, I makes my whole body twitches when I have to pint it out. No more buying things online nor going out so often. Some financial advisors said that we need to at least save 10% of your earned money and I guess that's the minimal. In Singapore, everything is all about money and you have to save more than what you earn :/

Now fret no more. I've sign up OCBC Frank Card (Debit & Credit) because of their financing factor. They actually helps you to keep a budget and won't let you take it out until you reach the target year *which is very good for me!* You can plan whatever you want to save and when you need the money. You can read more here, here and here.

Why I have both Debit and Credit? Debit is for my own account and credit is mostly for travelling. I am terribly afraid of bringing so much money and using atms out of the country. And best part is that I can get 6% rebates and use it as cash cards and ez-link. Weeee~

Sign up now for all the colourful and beautiful designs that they have for both credit and debit card today :)
