Mencari Tuhan.


Dalam bulan Ramadan ini, lazimnya otak kite akan register that tak boleh makan and minum, solat terawih, bazaar ramadan, raya. Akan tetapi kite terlupe that it is the best opportunity to grab whatever that we have right now utk make ourselves better, to train our Nafs and increase our iman. It is where all the doors of heaven will be open and all the doors of hell will be closed. All the good deeds will be multiplied of many multiplefolds and deeds are remain as the same.

The nights are to be celebrated with much night prayers from tarawih and tahajjud prayers. The month of ramadan is also called the month of Quran where Quran was brought down from Allah to siratul muntaha and to Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. himself. The month that Nabi taddarrus the Quran with Jibreel and imagine, at a normal day, 1 hurf is multiple by 10, if in the month of ramadan? Multiplefolds of pahala you!

Now, we are left with 21 days of fasting and ramadan. How is our ramadan going? Doing better? Or the same? Or the other way?

Its a fight againts our nafs and our rational. We have to change for the better and for Jannah insyaAllah. Step by step. even Quran turun pun for 23 years and not in one go, it's in fragments, in short ayats. Kite nak berubah tak boleh in one night. Kalau kite nak jahat senang aje, by one night je dah boleh jadi jahat. Jadi baik is a challange because nak pergi Jannah is a struggle because itu yang memang Allah make it that way. Same jugak mcm nak score A+ untuk sekolah or national exams. You have to struggle to get there and takle nak relax and takpe, nanti cikgu kasi notes and then aku pass (this is similar like people who like to say belum dtg seru or belum ade hidayah).

Let us make du'a that this ramadan will be better than before and let our hearts be fonder to Allah and His Messenger and Quran.

How to make change? Go to belajar agama in masjids and institutions, listen to recordings of video and sound from scholars around the world. My all time favourites are: Mufti Menk (he is doing a 30-day Ramadan with a difference at Masjid Besi at Putrajaya) and Nouman Ali Khan's lecture in Quran Weekly (last year he had the programme under Quran weekly and they had every night every juz to cover).

Lastly, the month of ramadan is to ask Allah to forgive our sins as Allah is giving His rahmah the whole month or us to submit to him. Seek forgiveness to him and insyaAllah he will forgive us from our sins either big or small. May Allah grants us ease to fulfill this in the month of Ramadan.

There are few easy steps:
1- You may sing the normal song on radio that you heard of repeatedly. Now, sing it with full of emotion and humility.

2- The common zikir that we know of is: Astaghfirullah. May be you wanna elongated it as you have reached a certain level of goodness.


3- Tahajjud and sola taubat: If you don't know how to perform it, here's some links that has a step-by-step how to perform it.

Hope that we will achieve what we wanted in life, Jannah insyaAllah. We can do it together!! This Ramadan message is mostly for myself as a reminder before to all of you out there. Have a good Ramadan ahead and wish you happy ibadah :)
