Honeymoon - Post-honeymoon

This thing actually dah stuck in draft for too long and I think it's the best time to publish it now. I love to travel and somehow am very anal with travelling itinerary and visits. So for honeymoon, am planning to go a little bit later, maybe around 2 weeks or 1 month later. No need to be immediate as am scared that I will be too exhausted to enjoy the honeymoon. I love to travel but hate the travelling time, be it taking bus or plane. It just makes me bored and fidgeting. I guess I'm a little ADHD where I can't really stay still and my attention span is too short. So I've planned to go somewhere near which isssss.......cannot tell uh. Surprise :p

First things first:
  1. Budget. How much you willing to splurge. For me basically is that you can't have cheap motels and cheap honeymoon. If you can't afford, go somewhere near or postpone to another month after your gaji. Simple. Honeymoon is for you to rest and get some privacy from your parents' and in-law's place.
  2. Region/Continent. Which part of the country you wanna go? Hot or cold? Winter or summer? Think of the clothes that you gonna bring, whether is it a hassle or you can just grab from your wardrobe.
  3. Agent or backpacking. Easy. Agent for fuss-free planning, don't want to get lost, it's your first time travelling or you want to save time and money. Backpacking  is for those who have a lot of time and want to wander around without tours, get lost/robbed/into trouble, miss flights/trains/coach, waste time on planning and booking hotels and bus and flights. I've list you the possibilities, it's not I'm against backpacking. I've done backpacking style a few times and if you get great kaki to plan together with you and throw ideas where to go and help you with the bookings and YOLO and don't afraid to get lost, please choose backpacking. I've went HK, Phuket and Langawi without agents and I survived especially bringing the whole family to Langkawi. But think again, this is your honeymoon you talking about. You want to relax and let people do all the arrangements for you. heheh.
  4. Itinerary is important even if you take agent and tour guides. You need to know where you are going so you can prep yourself and where to eat! hahah.
I guess that's all for now. I've plan my honeymoon and am going to plan a post honeymoon and babymoon insyaAllah. My honeymoon is a mini and post honeymoon will be further and longer. Babymoon is either before I conceived or I'm preggie insyaAllah. but if I'm not, I will still go.hahahha. itchy hands and legs want to travel so much.

I have suggestions on where to go for your trips. Topdeck and Contiki are one of the most big travel agents and they rock your socks okay!heheh.
