#WeddingDrama: Booking slot of nikah timing and pre-marriage course

I don't want to make a fuss out of it since I 've ever mentioned about the nikah timing at Masjid Alkaff cannot be held between 12-2pm. So I called them again regarding it and maybe they can have leniency of letting us use the praying hall. I negotiated with the CSO and she still strict with her ruling but I tried pursued her whether we can have it right exactly after Zohor prayers, she said can but she needs time to prepare the stuffs. I told her 1.45pm max she said she can let us have our nikah that timing as long as we reach there on time. I told her we all will have our prayers there, both bride and groom and family. She paused for a while and said yes to 1.45pm! yeahh!

Now trying to convince my parents. The are at the the redha state, just take the 11am belt and go. I dont want it because 2 things: 1- have to wash my make up for zohor and maybe kena charge more. 2- It's the essambly periods where 11am is dismissal time and 11.30am is the 2nd batch comes in for assemble.



Pre-marital course is going to be there on 29-30 Nov and I've made full payment.

I called it of my KL-Cameron Highlands trip because I forgotten about it. Last Saturday, they called me it's cancelled due to low enrollment and we can choose another date and another mosque. One is this weekend, one is on 6/7 Dec and lastly 13/14 Dec. I'm so pissed because I was informed quite sudden and asked me to change my dates. I hate when people started to change things and tell me last minute as if I dont have a life to live in. hmph! I made up my mind to have it next year and at not at their centre which is at McPherson area on 7/8 March 2015. It's the hectic season to clear and meet up other vendors for the next payment or so. Hopefully we can go and there's nothing gonna pop-up or what again. urgh!. Now it makes us (or esp me) think twice with this kinda attitude. Dah lah kite dah bayar full amount. If I wanna change vendor pon mcm sayang all burnt just like that. huhu.
