Day 5 & 6 Hong Kong - Disneyland!!

After so long, I manage to write about Disneyland Hong Kong. It's close to one year since we went there. I miss Disneyland and definitely my cousins. It seems like it's the last holiday we will ever go together before our wedding.

Why I took so much time? 
The visit to Disneyland is like our closure to end our Hong Kong trip. We got emotional especially during the fireworks. Little did we know that it's our last trip together as after that trip I was engaged and suddenly this 2 favourite cousins also got to know someone and got engaged as well. weeeee~
It so nice that Allah's plan is so perfect that we didnt even think of anything and suddenly came our knight in shining armor out of nowhere *betul nye princess-y sey*

Besides that, I needed to retrieve my pictures and video lah. hahah. I realised that my video has been sitting for the past one year. Am supposed to do a summary video tapi like crazy I haven't. I shall bring macbook to work to do the videos lah. Work lappy cume ade windows movie maker je.

FYI, I've never a fan of Disney characters. Maybe due to my tomboyish days that I love hotwheels more than princess-y stuff. I love lion king & toy story tho. So we pre-planned our rides and shows, skipped all the boring kiddy rides and boyyy Disney is so big! There's halal food around Disney but we started our day with eating our very own Malaysian food. 

We had Nasi Ayam Masak Merah. -.-" pergi jauh2 makan same jugak.haiz. We just play safe aje, takut nanti ape rase ntah, which turns out that the food taste funny. Takpelah. lapar punye pasal because we didnt had breakfast. And that was the only meal we had and I cant remember why coz we stop over at Mystic Manor and looked at the meals but didnt buy any.hoho!

There are other halal food eateries besides Tahitian Terrace which is placed quite near the entrance.

You can plan your way to Disney and halal food restaurants by visiting their website.

Here's the map with details. If you find it very interesting, You can explore. For us, we skipped to rollercoasters and fun rides for adults :p

I start from the beginning okay when we took the train to Disney. There's a special train to Disney like we change MRT to changi lah like that. The train is full of Disney stuff! So cute!

We bought our tickets online so we just need to collect it and cut the queue! Heheh. There's no difference in price tho so the perks was just to cut queue *kiasu Singaporean*. BUT! we were quite a noob coz we dont know how to collect it! hahah! abe dah panic coz we didnt print hard copy and only have an email form. luckily we have internet access coz Hongkies are known of little english so kite dah mcm ayam and itik.hahah. Nasib the machine can scan the QR code and it started printing. Mind you that the whole day was gloomy and raining. But it wasnt cold tapi saje je nak pakai trench coats. *ngada2* At some point there's vapours coming out from our mouths and as jakun as can be nak film it but sadly the camera cannot capture it.

Hungry People!! Hahahha!

They say, eating ice creams during winter was okay, you dont feel cold.

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Then at night, we waited for the delayed fireworks. This is where all the sappy emo things came out. kesian lah kiteorg ni.heheh. It was delayed due to the rain so they showed it at 9pm instead of 8pm. We were quite tired and hungry, we just want to get over and done with. but the wait is worth it.

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We headed out as the fireworks died and hugging each other crying. We saw something that we didn't think of which is waffles!!

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Time for us to say goodbye to Mickey & Minnie.

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Back to reality 

Last day was a bit of a drag coz we didn't want to end the trip coz we want to stay at the very beautiful and cold country. haha! The day that we wanted to depart, the temperature dropped to 12 degrees!! Imagine that from 18 degrees when we stepped in Hong Kong then 16 on normal days. We thought that the handphone app was kidding us until we went out. It was cold it give me chills as I was wearing my crocs (very lazy to wear boots) and ankle socks with folded pants. And there's vapors when we talked! 

We bid farewell to our great hotel!

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Before we go, we went to our favourite shop to eat besides doing last minute shopping at the factory outlet.

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Why Novotel? Coz we get free shuttle to airport without hovering our luggages!

Now I miss HK! huhu. but not the food tho. balik je terus makan makanan melayu all the way.hahhaha! cant beat the food here in Singapore lah.hahah


  1. Rindu!!! Was smiling all the way reading this heheh

    1. IKR!!! Was scanning through all the pictures and it got a bit of emo and nostalgic. I didn't include all the funny parts in. Confirm ketawa rabak esp when u n mas doing the hand thingy on top of ur lips!


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