DIY Bunga Rampai

To think about it, I really love DIY stuff especially about wedding. The excitement and satisfaction are way beyond words especially when the day has come and I will be super excited when the guests appreciates all of it :)

My mom and I was wondering about the tempat bunga rampai for guests who are going to attend the solemnization and I told her just to buy it at Joo Chiat like the one during my engagement but my mom said she wanted to do it, adding the sentimental value to it. We were thinking of the tanjak type but it's not that feasible as the bunga rampia will spillover and the bottom part like berlobang. So we came out with the idea bakul!

Got this old school handkerchiefs from Joo Chiat.
I heard Chinatown also selling these. JB also have but the quality isn't that good. 

A handkerchief basket filled with bunga rampai, how awesome is that. And it didn't take that long to do all of it though. I can finish like 8 baskets in 1 hour. I like something old school, kekalkan warisan kita sebagai orang melayu. It is kinda sad that our society goes to "just pay, we don't have time for this". That's why we don't have all the gontong-royong and rewang2 anymore. People are busy with their lives and always come out the reason "I don't know how to do". I'm speaking of experience when I had to handle someone like this, "alah bayar je orang, beli je, buat ape nak susah2kan diri, buat ape nak penat2", and that someone doesn't come from someone who is rich. Orang sederhana. I find that the traditions are eroded with all this mindset and kalau bukan kite kekalkan budaya, sape lagi? Even someone told us that tunang is just a budaya, like whattttt?? Belajar agama tak kenapa ade tunang and merisik? I bet most of us pon tak tau that tunang and merisik are in Islam cuma budaya je yg ade hantaran and duit hantaran all.

OK, too much side track, here's our amateur video tutorial of how to do the basket out of a handkerchief.

Enjoy! and do let me know whether you like it on the comment area below.


  1. omg SALUTE yr patience!!!!!!!!

  2. haha so cute the tuala bunga rampai. and i totally agree with your point on preserving tradition; sedih kan bila kita terikut sangat dengan commercialism padahal tak susah sangat kalau nak buat sendiri.

    anw ya about the tunang part, my friend who studied islamic studies in UIA told us abt the benefits of tunang for both the guy and girl in Islam - correct me if I remember wrongly, something about how it's dosa for another guy to 'poach' a girl who is already known as someone else's tunang, and that's good what right? it's not -just- budaya...

    1. Thank you dear. Ni from my mom lah, dia kata bile dia nikah that time, my makcik yg buat tempat sirih gini. I understand banyak org tak creative ataupun no time (coz tunang in short period of time), tapi kalau semua nak tempah n beli, dah takde sentimental value to the wedding.

      yup, true. Berdosa and perbuatan dia haram if the guy cut queue. The lady's family cannot accept the "new guy" until she /her fiance putuskan tunang. This is to safeguard the lady as not to be toyed around and tunang tu as not serious like steady2. She also cannot be kahwin paksa because she's already engaged. Engagement also to get to know both families better and to prepare one self to practice to become a part of the family. That's how Islam memartabatkan ladies. Budaya is the part yg pakai baju lawa2, got photography, dulang banyak2. Even kalau merisik pun dah kire tunang n dont need a tunang event.


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