What personality are you?


I will like to share with you guys regarding your characteristics. During the kursus rumahtangga also we did go through this session where we get to know more about ourselves. But the kursus rumahtangga one is just on the surface and there's 4 absolute types which you cant you cant interlap. Coz humans are not defined as 1 state, even twins have different needs and personalities.

I love this test as it has 16 personalities which combines with each other and having it as unique. As for me, I'm an ESTJ. Mostly it covers my personality. Why do we need to know all this? It is not for us to infer and say, hey that's me but more to our spouses as they will be for the first time ever, staying with you and have to be with you like 24/7. So this will prepare them before getting a shock of their lives "ini ke bini aku? perangai nauzubillah. dulu time steady/tunang tak mcm ni pun". Hey, ingat perempuan je yg ade expectations, lelaki pun but they wont say it in your face but more to like his facial expression. haha!

And no, this is not the reading of stars yg capricon ke hape2 tu yg khurafat. lol! I don't believe in them coz its recycled like 200 times over just to make you feel like, eh mcm mane kau tau eh? What's my future like?


Try the test and see whether it reflects who you are.
