In the midst of looking for bedroomset

As the tittle goes, I had 2 mission with same purpose. I need to find bedroom set for both his house and mine. The bedroom set at his side will be my contribution and at my house will be from my mother. I'm trying to stick to my budget but it is not so easy as we always get something different. So, in the midst of looking for bedroom set, alang2 dah ke Ikea, ape lagi, cuci mata lah. hahah

Still sober the fact that I will not get a new house anytime soon nor I will not have the luxury to decorate MY own home. But, it should not be a problem kan?

I love the kitchen concept!

All white!

I love all the kitchen set ups and styles coz lawa giler but hanya pada mimpi dan angan2 jelah eh coz I'm not gonna get my own house soon and takkan nak revamp rumah mak mertua kan? Nak kene pelangkong? hahaha.

Now, bed set time! I try to find something that is comfortable and feasible. I dont want to get things that in 3 years time i have to change it again. Waste money. And I love storage spaces below the bed!! Because:
  1. You can store your stuff in there nicely, no need to selak the bedsheet and look hideous below that.
  2. You can have fitted bedsheets without comforter (who need comforter in non air-con room in Singapore???!!!)
hahah! the third one should be the first kan? But kene pasang strategy dulu and reason out things ideally first :p

My fav bed set but header is a separate cost and it will collect dust. hmph
Simplicity at its best
Storage beds!
Ni bed mcm seram gitu
Nak fefeeling princessy
I love this one too but it's my mom's lah D;
So this jalan2 was supposed to be seal the deal kan? WRONG! We had to come again for the next visit during bulan puasa and damn, menguji kesabaran. hahaha. Firstly, I thought we gonna just go there and buy chop chop go to Tampines Bazaar buy food for break fast but mom decided to take a tour of the whole Ikea and wanted to buy as much as possible since dah singgah kan and can put in delivery. I was like, yes of course, time bulan2 puasa jugak nak meredah Ikea nak beli mcm2, nak stop here and there nak pick things up. That wasn't bad enough, the queue for human counter punye lah panjang! I usually go Ikea and check out at the manual counter, fefeeling cashier gitu scan items sendiri. One thing I hate about going Ikea is that I ALWAYS forgot to bring my green bag so nanti kelaurkan lah hazanah and expect that my bag can increase in size to put all the things. ahahha.

So yeah, we kinda forgotten about it, we bought pots and pans lah, bedsheets lah, alas kaki lah and bed and side table and storage compartment. HAH! macam mane nak angkat kan kalau ade one small recycling bag and a medium size sheng siong plastic bag? We of course need to send for delivery for the beds and stuff, the rest kene pikul sendiri. huhu. mom saod seme bende hantar delivery je since dah bayar, me being me, tak nak lah. Amek kau tak nak! Delivery queue was super long and we both belum solat asar. It takes 2 long hours to finish the queue for both cashier and delivery, we moved out from the place at 5.40pm waiting for the free bus to Tampines. Taxi queue was long and there's no queue so we malas nak layan. Sampai Tampines at 6.10pm race to the mall and pray, turun balik dah 6.30pm pusing2 cari makan till 6.50pm sampai rumah cun cun sebelum buka at 7.10pm. hahahha

Oh by the way katil ni is for my home, his home punye nanti I blog about it okay. Sedih duit keluar mcm air beli bende2 mahal ni seme, like all your hard earn money terus depleted in front of your eyes. hahaha
