It's gonna be May (me)

Salam Alaikum!

Hehehe. catchy eyyy. Yes, it's first of May and tick tock, it's like less than 4 months till the day. I'm not nervous nor concern, maybe when bulan puasa and raya, I should be scared kot (and emo coz it's my last time to raya as a single lady, bawah ketiak my parents) coz there's so many changes, major life changes about myself and I don't know where to begin with. Like waking up as early as 4.30am(!!) and yes, he wakes up 4.30am every single day. I cannot T_T hahah. okaylah, limit2 5.30am bangun  nak buat sarapan and makanan tengah hari and yes, he expects me to cook so I can't say no or malas-malas. A good wife is to keep his belly full. Another reason is because he keeps on eating takeaways so he got so fed up no home cooked food and he doesn't cook like a daily basis, so yeah. I should start making daily routines of what to cook every single day, giving tips to readers like BTBs or working moms eh? That should be my next post insyaAllah when I have the pictures. Posts without pictures boring gitu kan?

Okay.... menceceh merepek je. I wanted to say that it's gonna be me soon in the masjid having my solemnization/my wedding vows uttered by my dad and Mr A. I reliefed a class of my friend's at Masjid Alkaff Kampung Melayu and I got to witness it in my eyes, the couple nikah at 10am and selawat and all, so nice. What's not nice is that people yang tak pakai tudung datang and jalan-jalan tak pakai shawl around the masjid compound. And perempuan yang haid, please eh jangan main jalan-jalan inside iktikaf area. In the end, yang uzur pun jalan-jalan kat masjid but bile suruh solat semua automatic jadi uzur. Like what the hell kan? Dunia.

I was at level 2 at women prayer hall. Awwwww so prettyyy~

Ni like after my class ended. 11am they were still around taking pictures and salam2 with guests. I like this environment

More makcik pakcik still around. It was peaceful and subtle
Few more months to go babeh!!!


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