Post Wedding - 2 weeks of marriage life
Sorry for no updates since before and after the wedding. It was hard to blog at work, not like how I used to in my previous school and now, after marriage is even worse as at home (or my MIL place, I have to bring home my work lappy to blog) and no time. Yes, you may hear this sentences way too many times that there's no time to blog and people will abandon their blogs just like that. The thing is, it is true! We came back from our honeymoon feeling tired and under the weather as the haze was at it's peak at that moment of time. Me being me, always kena food poisoning. Luckily I ate the charcoal pills earlier but I always keep on going to the loo coz of my bowel movements. We both like tekak loya, my MIL lagi boleh say ntah2 dah ade isi and I was like, it's only 2 weeks! There's barely nothing! hahah.
I shall blog about my prewedding prep work and the craziness and greatness that we (and my bridemaids of course) go through. And the real date as well. I thank Allah and everyone that nothing bad happen, nor any cock ups. Everything went smoothly and to my expectation, it was really a relaxing kinda wedding until me and my bridesmaids were saying: dah tak tau nak buat ape ah. lets makan tea time. hahaha mane ade dapat pengantin makan 2 kali! PBG kannnnnn. hahha. maybe because it was a full day wedding, no rushing to his place then back to mine, no hadang2.
Basically, I love everything during my wedding, both his side and my side. And we had so much joy during the outdoor shoot that we forgot about time. hahahah. Nasib Fad prompt us. Kalau ikut Syarfique, we will go on till 7pm ++. I shall blog that in a separate post too.
Married life: Expectations vs Reality
Like what people would say, you need to get to know your other half once again from the start and luckily our courtship wasn't that long. We got to know each other for 2 months, got engaged after that for 2 years (but actually 1 year 9 months coz nak kahwin cepat). So there's no high expectations and what I can say the love is different. Love of matair2 (with my mantan2) and time tunang is totally different when you actually married. That's what Allah gave to those who chose to be in halal relationship, diberikan sakinah, mawaddah & rahmah. cheyyy.
As of 2 weeks marriage, life is still on bed of roses and whatever that we tried to compromise and I got sulky about it, dah hilang. hahahah. coz he understands more when we stayed together and it makes sense to him now than before. Alhamdulillah that he changed 360 degrees from before, he shows empathy towards me with my work and alhamdulillah too for my mother in-law that she tak cerewet what I masak or tak masak. I tetibe love cooking even though last time I don't kinda like it. I like baking more previously. Cooking and cleaning for your husband and MIL is totally satisfying even if you are super tired coz u know that it is your hard earn work and so much barakah in it. From you tak tau masak terus dah pandai masak. hehehe
Happy ever after still lingers on us, we still have my bedroom on wedding decoration still. We also dah start to plan for our short getaway/staycation in October coz we need our privacy. hehehe
Honeymoon? That's another story that I will post about, together with the video insyaAllah. I will try to make time to do editing on it. hahah.
For now, enjoy our pictures yaaa.
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A photo posted by Fiza Aw (@fiza_licious) on
A photo posted by Fiza Aw (@fiza_licious) on
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