Wedding video is up!!!

Bismillah and Assalamualaikum everyone!

I was in the midst of editing my Cameron trip video when suddenly this lady from VS just texted me the link on google drive of our wedding video. This is the official video that is 1 hour long. All in from khutbah nikah to lafaz sakinah to interviews and all the events covered. The first 15 mins is my solemnization and the first 35mins is my side reception and the rest is his side and the outdoor shoot. I shall download it and cut it into pieces as highlights and upload it on IG too. I find that my make up is really beautiful in the video compared to the pictures, more vibrant in a way. Thank to my MUA @vainbrained for my wonderful make up. And she's as awesome as everyone can get. hahaha.

I'll post my Cameron Highlands video soon as I want to colour correct it and to shorten the video to 4mins from 8mins. hahaha. More to come and stay tune!
