Letrozole VS Clomid
I consider myself as an extrovert becoming an introvert as I aged. I like sharing to my IG viewers something that they could beneficial that they can learn but at times, some things seems very complicated and private, especially having both family members from my side as well as A's following me on Instagram.
So I have to resort to here I guess. Or maybe when I am successful with my TTC journey, I could share with my followers (step mana nye instafamous je).
For those of you who are new with my blog and wanting to know more about IUI, IVF and infertility, welcome! I know most of us are clueless and need some support system to understand all these things going one. Ala kulli hal. I am trying my best to explain to you what are the procedures and steps that you can prepare yourself before starting this journey.
My GP (Women's clinic) encouraged every newlyweds who are trying and can't seemed to get pregnant within a year, get yourself checked. I went to her in 2017 after a year and a half I got married and tried Clomid for 2 cycles. Then she told me to get checked which I did not. We wasted 2.5 years of trying nothing as I only got to know I had a polyp growth in my uterine lining and removed in 2018.
How is my experience with Clomid? To tell you the truth, it was nothing, no pain or cramps and just mild mood swings. It is just the urge to eat so much especially craving for all the sweet stuff.
After I got my polyp removed, we then tried IUI procedure. We didn't proceed with Clomid or Letrozole but instead with injections called Puregon. Maybe the idea was to get a better results and faster but NOPE, it didn't work. What is the side effects of Puregon? Super bloated and cranky all the time, mood swings are crazy (I am always not in a good mood and angry, everything irritates me) AND worst of all, the food intake and crave for sweet things is on HIGH. From cakes to ice creams, chocolates to bubble tea. Mind you, I don't like things that are too sweet. My bubble tea sugar level is 50%, I don't eat macaroon from Lauduree because it is too sweet, I only can eat TWG's and Sinfulcake's. Oh and because the dosage was getting higher by the day, my eczema flared up like crazy, making new regions like my face (chin, under eyes and forehead) and chest. It get nastier everyday even though I lather myself with moisturizing creams and even steroids. I also tried to calm my skin with aircon to cool myself rather than having sweats, try not to use bleach/ clorox and away from any dust but it does not work.
Now I am on Letrozole and here's my verdict. The pharmacist already mentioned to me I can't drive or operate machinery while taking this meds. I am on high dosage too, 10 g per day, 2 pills per day. It cause drowsiness. Really2 sleepy! First day was normal but when the second - sixth day, I am dead at work. Super sleepy and can't concentrate because I am doing desk bound work. Then, the bloatedness and super cramp at the ovaries just killing me. It is as if my ovaries got crushed and squeeze kinda pain. And I farted a lot because of the bloatedness. Mood swings was mild with the feeling of irritated by slightest things but not angry raging during my Puregon phase. Then the bloating and cramps came again nearing my ovulating period. It wasn't the shiok period I will tell you. I am hoping that Letrozole could actually give me hope that I can get pregnant naturally.
I am on 8dpo, I peed on the stick in the morning to a negative, but it's okay it is still early. I don't know, I feel lucky and hopeful this time round. Next Monday will be my blood test, they will test whether I ovulated and I am pregnant. My 14 dpo will be on next Wednesday and my projected period to come is on next Sunday. Let's hope for the best and if not, I will ask for Metformin so that I can work with Letrozole together.
Metformin is for PCOS patients with insulin resistance. I think I have that as I am gaining weight like crazy when I eat all these pills because of the sweet toothcravings intake. I heard success pregnancy stories having to take both pills at the same time. Lt's do this! And wait for my update on Monday :)
Fertility pills available and useful for all of you are having hard time to conceive and PCOS:
IUI - Puregon
Please prepare yourself with some readings before going to the doctor and ask as many questions as possible. Don't be afraid.
Now I am on Letrozole and here's my verdict. The pharmacist already mentioned to me I can't drive or operate machinery while taking this meds. I am on high dosage too, 10 g per day, 2 pills per day. It cause drowsiness. Really2 sleepy! First day was normal but when the second - sixth day, I am dead at work. Super sleepy and can't concentrate because I am doing desk bound work. Then, the bloatedness and super cramp at the ovaries just killing me. It is as if my ovaries got crushed and squeeze kinda pain. And I farted a lot because of the bloatedness. Mood swings was mild with the feeling of irritated by slightest things but not angry raging during my Puregon phase. Then the bloating and cramps came again nearing my ovulating period. It wasn't the shiok period I will tell you. I am hoping that Letrozole could actually give me hope that I can get pregnant naturally.
I am on 8dpo, I peed on the stick in the morning to a negative, but it's okay it is still early. I don't know, I feel lucky and hopeful this time round. Next Monday will be my blood test, they will test whether I ovulated and I am pregnant. My 14 dpo will be on next Wednesday and my projected period to come is on next Sunday. Let's hope for the best and if not, I will ask for Metformin so that I can work with Letrozole together.
Metformin is for PCOS patients with insulin resistance. I think I have that as I am gaining weight like crazy when I eat all these pills because of the sweet tooth
Fertility pills available and useful for all of you are having hard time to conceive and PCOS:
IUI - Puregon
Please prepare yourself with some readings before going to the doctor and ask as many questions as possible. Don't be afraid.
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