A different Ramadhan and Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya everyone!! Even though it is Syawal 17th, it is really a boring Syawal as there's no visiting is allowed due to circuit breaker. So kite raya berdua jelah ye, sedih sangat tapi ape nak buat. This Covid is not relaxing at all.

Lauk raya for final buka puasa. Thank you SIL for delicious lauk raya

Takbir raya through zoom with my family

Then with the in laws

Lauk raya utk dua orang

We did solat raya at my MIL's place and then followed by khutbah from mufti. Said our forgiveness and went to my parent's place for celebration. Came back at 3+ and we are done for the whole day and jalan raya. Boooo.
Sempat jahit baju raya. Tudung beli from Naelofar.

Then zoom with my maternal side. My paternal side was doing it but it was too kecoh and I was at my mom's place. Mcm mane nak angkat ehhh

We had contest sape yg ade paling banyak kuih. Hands down,
Taufik menang background je.hahah

Amekkau full sey.

Sedih lah me and borther Uddin not in the picture.

Raya with my Aljunied friends
