Car Rentals in Singapore
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Alhamdulillah, after I passed my driving license for 6 month, I am having fun driving around Singapore. In Singapore, companies like Carlite and TribeCar accept probation drivers (below 1 year of driving licence). I signed up with TribeCar at first and had issues, cars are very bad conditions, thus leaving them to try out Carlite. Surprisingly, Carlite has the exact same interface website (they dont use an app) as TribeCar. I just got to know from my brother that TribeCar is a subsidiary of Carlite where Tribe bought cars from Carlite. The rentals options are by pick up and park at the same parking space on charged by hourly, prices are comparable. To compare TribeCar and Carlite, I find Carlite's customer service officer is very nice and patient and Carlite cars are way better than TribeCar.
I wanted to sign up for BlueSG and Smoove after the Tribe incident but both only allows me to have my license after a year and 2 year respectively. And Smoove just announced that they are not coming back after the Circuit Breaker has been lifted (2 June).
Difference between TribeCar and Carlite (to me):
TribeCar Carlite
Wornout/bad condition cars Brand new cars
Not much options of cars Many location and option of
types/sizes of cars
New driver's extra payment No new driver extra payments
Just make sure fuel is not empty Fuel must be above or exactly 1/4
Sticker label of TribeCar blue No sticker, like normal car
banner on windshield
Booking by hour Booking by 15mins
BlueSG cars are so cute and sounded like an alien spaceship because it runs on electric. #nofuel You can pick up and park at any of the designated carparks, great right! They don't charge you for the parking charges that you don't use the car. Booking is by timing & mileage and the charges will stop once you park at any of the designated carpark. BlueSG cars are available at my home carpark, my parents' carpark and working area. But BlueSG have subscription fees than we need to pay. I hope that I can use subscribe to BlueSG next year.
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