PCO, TTC and Chemically Pregnant!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

As my previous post stated, I've already started my IVF journey. What happened before our IVF is trippy. Let's get to know more about PCO and my TTC journey. 

Before my IVF cycle
My body was feeling weird that is not how normally what I will experience nearing my period. I blamed Letrozole because it gets me too gassy and bloated. And sometimes I have tender breast and feeling nauseous nearing my period. I checked the pregnancy test on my 10 DPO and it was negative, I was okay. Not sad but still hopeful.

I watched Youtube channels on TTC, PCO and pregnant and some of them telling the experience and symptoms they had. I was curious and I checked again on 13 DPO cycle day 27 (was supposed to wait for 14 but I was too excited) and saw the finest line. I was so happy but i kept quiet about it. I am so shocked and thankful towards Allah for answering my prayers. It was surreal. I kept on coming back to my drawer and look at it again and again. Is it real? I wonder. So I tested again the next day and the day after (using different test kit) and I couldn't believe my eyes. 

With my eyes, all sticks showed positive. Can't really see on 13 DPO in this picture.


I was super down when I visited the doctor at SGH because the line became fainter. Came back and test again, it was faint. I did not tell the doctor about the test because my expected period was supposedly on the weekends and I visited her on Thursday, 16 Jul. 16 Jul was my day 32 and 18 DPO.
She said that it was too early to test for pregnancy test, so she said can try on Monday till Friday if there is still no menses. By Friday, I have to start my period trigger pills to induce my period and the IVF treatment will start.

AND MY PERIOD CAME ON SATURDAY, 18 Jul. It was sad, I told A and he was shocked. He's reaction was we had a baby and it was gone.


If you suffer PCO or having a longer period cycle like mine 31-34 days/ irregular menses, DO NOT TEST AT 14 DPO, test it only on you period date afterwards because the HCG will fluctuates and gave false positive/ negative. I was so down that I thought that I had chemical pregnancy/ early miscarriage.

Or Polycystic Ovarian (without the "S" syndrome) is totally different diagnostics. PCO can develop polyps either early stages cancerous or not. Symptoms of having PCO is irregular menses, weight gain and very hard to lose weight, insulin tolerance (may cause diabetes in a long run) and facial hair growth.

Charting ovulation period is hard because it could be super irregular that could missed a month or 2. My doctor advised me to reduce weight in order for the pills to be effective and better for my health too. She said my polyps could return and be very viscous the next round. It really helped me the last 2 cycle before I got pregnant, I charted and realised that I am either a 31 - 32 cycle, means 14 is my ovulation date. I tested on 12, 13, 14 and planned having sex before and after ovulation date as per doctor's advice, every alternate day to be successful. I also realised that previously my ovulation test wasn't really dark compared to the control line but the last one was super dark, darker than the control line.

How to Get Pregnant With Pictures | ConceiveEasy.com
