
Showing posts from May, 2021

Done and dusted! - finally I completed my degree

The time has come! Like finalyyyy, I got my final results and pass! Alhamdulillah!! I was supposed to graduate on June 2020 but because of my financial constraints (focusing on my new home, IUI and IVF), I decided to defer my studies 1 semester and stretched my studies from 3 modules to 2 modules per semester. I think it is a blessing in disguise as Covid-19 hit hard from Jan - August 2020, I got to finish my 3 semesters by online learning. I won't say it is easy but it really saved my time and journey to school and back. I would say, listening to lectures for 3 hours straight at home is very hard because you get distracted on whether to cook dinner, pray or just lazing around/sleep. Online exams are tougher than we anticipated during the Covid period during the Jan - Jun 2020 and when they decided to scrap the idea during the July - Dec 2020 semester and substitute with a 3rd assignment (NOOOOO!!), it was quite a bummer but of course, more time to do assignments and research. But