
By Syawwal.Welcome Zulkaedah

My friends and I came with the idea and we just did it!Thank you so much PREU208 girls for being so supportive and funny! Credits: Siti NurAtiqah for her Sony Alpha camera, recordings and hours wasted on just uploading the videos. Myself on editing the video. Enjoy!

Cinta kerana Allah

Yes, i'm moved by the love story of a friend of mine. we've been friends since kindergarten. Her name is Fathimah Azzahra'. Love at because of Allah never fails and touches my heart deeply. Everything seems pretty and easy and smooth and cool. I love how she played hard on him for a year but he did not give up. He changed to become a better man. He wasn't the type whereby every girl is dream of. He had his flaws but he change for the better, change to get her. It was good coz he change because he knows he needs to change and not because of wanting to win her heart. Alhamdulillah, she's being friends with him the year after and this year, its a turning life experience where he came by her house for hari raya visiting cum merisik :O (merisik is an occasion where the the guy side will come to the lady's house with the family/elderly to ask for her hand) so, she's getting engage with him this month!Alhamdulillah, i'm happy for her!! Even tho against all ...

to a friend of mine

Ketahuilah bahawa saya bukanlah lepasan sekolah agama, tetapi saya masih lakukan kerja Islamik yang saya lakukan sekarang. Seolah-olah Allah sudah  plan  untuk jadikan saya bukan lepasan sekolah agama supaya saya dapat sampaikan mesej ini kepada pembaca. Ada orang-orang yang seakan-akan  inferior  dengan dirinya yang bukan lepasan sekolah agama lalu menganggap dirinya tidak layak untuk bercakap tentang Islam. Say what?! Mengapa rasa diri sendiri begitu kecil? Anda Muslim! Anda punyai Islam! Apakah itu tidak cukup sebagai motivasi untuk anda  share  Islam dengan orang ramai (secara berhikmah)? read more

#kahwinblogs: Motivasi: Sebelum Aku Bernikah – Mukaddimah.

Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barokatuh. Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana masih lagi diberikan nyawa, masih disambung lagi kehidupan, dan diberikan pelbagai peluang untuk menjadi hamba Allah SWT yang baik dan sejati. InsyaAllah. Alhamdulillah, pada 26hb Mac 2012, saya memulakan penulisan “Sebelum Aku Bernikah” ini dengan bahagian mukaddimahnya. Tiadalah harapan yang lebih tinggi dan lebih besar, melainkan penulisan ini juga dikira sebagai sebahagian amal soleh dan menjadi saham akhirat saya nanti. “Nikah”, perkataan ini nyata mengujakan banyak pihak, terutama remaja, pemuda dan pemudi. Bukanlah saya tulis penulisan bertemakan perkara ini kerana saya arif dan mengetahui. Tidak. Saya menganggap, penulisan saya berkenaan hal ini tidak lebih dari sekadar lontaran pandangan dan idea semata-mata. Tidaklah boleh dijadikan dalil, dan tidaklah boleh dijadikan hujah. Hanya hajatnya, “Sebelum Aku Bernikah” ini menjadi santapan minda untuk menjana idea yang segar, dalam...

The Grey Area In The Head

Say, I often don’t admit my sleepless nights ever since my father went away. When I have, I invariably experience a weird kind of happiness from the other person, a “fuh, she was wrong after all!” and it’s worse that that coz some people do desperate, bad, mean, horrible and hateful things to bury their insecurities. Because of that, I don’t share easily. I don’t trust easily. I’ve been told I’m laid back, quite confident and friendly, I tend to let things flow. It’s not that I don’t have my opinions and insecurities – enough that I wonder how I hide them well enough to be considered laid back, confident, even. After years of fighting others’ insecurities, like a disease, I try hard not to let my insecurity run my life. I’ve seen the horrible effect it has on ordinarily nice people. It’s sad to see them in such state. It’s like a demon inside, insidious and hateful. A cancer that destroys kindness. And it’s catching. I’d say money is not the root of all evil. Insecurity is the ro...

Tawakkul: Holding the Handhold that Never Breaks

He was devastated.  His only source of nourishment had disappeared.  It was all he knew, and now it was gone.  Suddenly, the world grew cold, and only strangers surrounded him.  The newborn child screamed.  He thought his life was over. What the child did not realize was that there was someone taking care of him.  There was a plan for him.  And in place of everything that had been taken away, his Protector would provide something better.  The nourishment he had once received only through blood would soon come through his mother’s milk.  And the lifeless walls of the womb—once thought to be his only protection—would soon be replaced by the comfort of his family’s arms. And yet, to the newborn child, it would seem he had lost everything. read more

Perhentian Part 2

Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I can't promise you guys how many more part I really need to blog about my trip. Its too awe struck experience!! Where did I stop?Still in day 1 right? We didnt do much activity for day 1 because we had really "good" time on the bus (the 8 hours ride from KL to Kuala Besut is just too painstaking!). All we did was wander around the island (we only had our tour at our beach area because we cant really walk to the other side due to rocks and forested area). After we checked in really early in the morning, we settled down for a while in our room, did some unpacking, strolling at the shores and dipped ourselves in! We didnt gave ourselves a chance to even change to our swimming attire! Why? Because the water is too tempting and cold!hahah! After a quick dip, we headed straight for lunch as the chalet admin called our room number from the shores telling us its time for lunch, how embarrassing! From what I'd remember...