Society & It's Needs
I posted this on my tumblr but i think i need to elaborate more as to cross reference with what i've read and the views from friends. “To aid a family(in need) with children that are still schooling,is not only via financial aid, but also educating the children to really do well in their studies. Get scholarships, bursaries, ask for help from the Government aid such as Mendaki and etc. The only change one can really make is effort to have a better living and be educated. Giving money or vouchers won’t do any change. But with education you will. Imam Syafi’i said, ‘Tidak ada orang yang mencari ilmu yang disertai dengan kemalasan; dan kekayaan menjadikan seseorang beruntung, namun keberuntungan itu akan melekat dalam diri orang yang senantiasa mencari ilmu dengan disertai semangat yang tinggi dan prihatin serta bersanding selalu dengan Ulama’. Alhamdulillah, I’ve seen with my own eyes, people who are in financial aid, the childrens really need to step up and wake up. It’...