
بين عينيك وبيني

حينما أغرق في عينيك عيني When I sink my eyes into your eyes ألمح الفجر العميقا I catch a glimpse of a deep dawn وأرى الأمس العتيقا And I see the ancient yesterday وأرى ما لست أدري And I see what I do not know وأحس الكون يجري And I feel the universe flowing بين عينيك وعيني Between my eyes and yours

Society & It's Needs

I posted this on my tumblr but i think i need to elaborate more as to cross reference with what i've read and the views from friends. “To aid a family(in need) with  children  that are still schooling,is not only via financial aid, but also educating the children to really do well in their studies. Get scholarships, bursaries, ask for help from the Government aid such as Mendaki and etc. The only change one can really make is effort to have a better living and be educated. Giving money or vouchers won’t do any change. But with education you will. Imam Syafi’i said, ‘Tidak ada orang yang mencari ilmu yang disertai dengan kemalasan; dan kekayaan menjadikan seseorang beruntung, namun keberuntungan itu akan melekat dalam diri orang yang senantiasa mencari ilmu dengan disertai semangat yang tinggi dan prihatin serta bersanding selalu dengan Ulama’. Alhamdulillah, I’ve seen with my own eyes, people who are in financial aid, the childrens really need to step up and wake up. It’s edu


As the title tells all, now I'm in charge of editing the raya clip that is WAY overdue because now it's raya haji and we still not publishing it yet?! So, I offered my sincerity to help them edit the clips (coz I sincerely feeled that it can't be waited any longer and pity to those who waited for so long). I just finished the trailer clip.happening, funny and just damn hilarious. The good thing is that I manage to enjoy it without attending. I wish I followed them but I guess there's more to it after comparing and weighting the options that I made. By the way, Selamat Hari Raya Haji or Eid Mubarak!Kullu 'am wa 'antum bi kheir!:) Here's the video. Enjoy!

Adakah anda matang?

Matang. Ayat ini sentiasa bermain di dalam fikiran para remaja, pemuda dan pemudi. Antara sebab mengapa perkataan ‘matang’ itu popular, dukacitanya, bukanlah kerana tanggungjawab yang bakal dipikul oleh seorang manusia di masa hadapan biasanya. Tetapi biasanya, perkataan matang itu popular di kalangan remaja adalah kerana orang selalu berkata: “Tak matang lagi, tak boleh kahwin.” Maka semata-mata untuk berkahwin, maka remaja mula keluar mencari apakah itu ‘kematangan’. Tujuan? Tujuannya untuk berkahwin. Namun hakikatnya matang itu lebih dari sekadar untuk berkahwin. Kerana tugas menjadi seorang pemuda dan pemudi adalah besar untuk masa hadapan perjuangan Islam, pembangunan negara dan masyarakat. Kematangan diperlukan kerana hanya orang-orang yang matang akan membuat keputusan yang baik, dan akan melorongkan kehidupannya pada kehidupan yang baik, sekaligus mengurangkan peratus untuk kerosakan berlaku di dalam masyarakat. Remaja sebagai ‘darah baru’ di dalam masyarakat perlu menj

By Syawwal.Welcome Zulkaedah

My friends and I came with the idea and we just did it!Thank you so much PREU208 girls for being so supportive and funny! Credits: Siti NurAtiqah for her Sony Alpha camera, recordings and hours wasted on just uploading the videos. Myself on editing the video. Enjoy!

Cinta kerana Allah

Yes, i'm moved by the love story of a friend of mine. we've been friends since kindergarten. Her name is Fathimah Azzahra'. Love at because of Allah never fails and touches my heart deeply. Everything seems pretty and easy and smooth and cool. I love how she played hard on him for a year but he did not give up. He changed to become a better man. He wasn't the type whereby every girl is dream of. He had his flaws but he change for the better, change to get her. It was good coz he change because he knows he needs to change and not because of wanting to win her heart. Alhamdulillah, she's being friends with him the year after and this year, its a turning life experience where he came by her house for hari raya visiting cum merisik :O (merisik is an occasion where the the guy side will come to the lady's house with the family/elderly to ask for her hand) so, she's getting engage with him this month!Alhamdulillah, i'm happy for her!! Even tho against all

to a friend of mine

Ketahuilah bahawa saya bukanlah lepasan sekolah agama, tetapi saya masih lakukan kerja Islamik yang saya lakukan sekarang. Seolah-olah Allah sudah  plan  untuk jadikan saya bukan lepasan sekolah agama supaya saya dapat sampaikan mesej ini kepada pembaca. Ada orang-orang yang seakan-akan  inferior  dengan dirinya yang bukan lepasan sekolah agama lalu menganggap dirinya tidak layak untuk bercakap tentang Islam. Say what?! Mengapa rasa diri sendiri begitu kecil? Anda Muslim! Anda punyai Islam! Apakah itu tidak cukup sebagai motivasi untuk anda  share  Islam dengan orang ramai (secara berhikmah)? read more