
Raya as a Tunangan Orang

It's 3rd Syawwal and not too late to say Selamat Hari Raya, Minal Aidil Wal Faizin Wal Maqbulin. Taqabballahu minna wa minkum. It seems like I've abandoned this place but not only here, I did abandon FB,twitter and IG. Now the focus more on Pinterest to get inspirations. hehehe. Can't wait till raya to finish and I would have wedding marathons and I wan't to get my hands on DIY my stuffs. YEAHHHHH. That will be on separate blogpost. Other than that, I've slowly bought stuff for my wedding like wedding shoes, wedding bed sheets and accessories. OKAYYYYY enough of wedding updates. This hari raya felt so different especially having my love one with me. It felt so different. It felt so real. He came by malam raya and help out with cleaning of the kitchen, a bit. Then he came in yesterday for raya visiting and it just feels real. We had a great chat when my mom leaves us in the hall. I love this moment. When my dad came home, he tensed. I don't know why but may

Mencari Tuhan.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Dalam bulan Ramadan ini, lazimnya otak kite akan register that tak boleh makan and minum, solat terawih, bazaar ramadan, raya. Akan tetapi kite terlupe that it is the best opportunity to grab whatever that we have right now utk make ourselves better, to train our Nafs and increase our iman. It is where all the doors of heaven will be open and all the doors of hell will be closed. All the good deeds will be multiplied of many multiplefolds and deeds are remain as the same. The nights are to be celebrated with much night prayers from tarawih and tahajjud prayers. The month of ramadan is also called the month of Quran where Quran was brought down from Allah to siratul muntaha and to Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. himself. The month that Nabi taddarrus the Quran with Jibreel and imagine, at a normal day, 1 hurf is multiple by 10, if in the month of ramadan? Multiplefolds of pahala you! Now, we are left with 21 days of fasting and ramadan. How is our ramadan going? Do

Dress Dress Dress - Baju Nikah (mostly from Fuzana Mokhtaza)

Jatuh hati tahap gaban nye lahhhh This dress yg Maria Elena wearing is sewn from her cousins. They have a fb and instagram called The Ninas. Too bad it's only in Malaysia. :DD This one from google. I can't remember from where but it's so pretty!!! Liyana Jasmay's wedding dress is fusion of malay traditional and english dress. Atas part is songket putih with silver tenunan and bawah, chiffon/net dress with cancan. lawa kannn!!! This dress is from a designer definitely,  Rizman Ruzaini  and the awesome photographers are from  Mukhriz Latif & Udey Ismail Photography . Ini pula hasil dari designer Engku Rizal. I love the modern dresses untuk sanding. So elegant! You can browse the pictures at the bride's blog . Ni from Zawara. like it more than Poplook's bridesmaid collections because this seems more elegance and higher standard than Poplook's. They are at the same price and I find it that why not just bu

Ramadan Kareem, Allahu Akram

Ramadan kareem everyone! Days passed us so by and here it is, Ramadan is here again with good remembrance of Allah and He give us to multiple our ibadah and amalan within this month. Do note that Ramadan is not the month of bazaar geylang or lavish foods but instead, it is about rememberance that the others who do not get the nikmah of having food at their dinning table at the end of the month. And to appreciate food more than we actually doing every single day. For me, this year will be different as I'm a fiance to Mr A and the dua' will be different. Usually every year, I will pray to get to meet with my jodoh yang soleh and beriman, to help myself to be better to meet the guy in my dreams. Alhamdulillah, this year, I would tweak my dua' to stay focus and to have ourselves to be closer to Allah at the same time to strengthen our love towards each other so as to sustain till nikah and end of our lives and jannah insyaAllah :) Don't forget your zakat fitrah and z

Batam Retreat

Hey ladies!!!! So this is how we look like when we were all excited to go Batam!! It was awesome coz we went for massage and scrub and had our A&W crave satisfied and last but not least, shiok on the ferry that we make it to become like our private boats.hahahha! Tempted to buy iPhone 5s as the picture is super nice and makes us look pretty!! While waiting for fooooddd, let's take a selfie Crave satisfied!   I am gonna recommend you the cheapest and most nice massages and scrub available, I did hair treatment too! Can't wait to do my bridal massages here too! How to get there The price in RP. I told you is cheap!! They suggest me to take the Mandi Aromatic Dewi but we told them we gonna take the basic one consist of massage, scrub and sauna which cost us 200k rupiahs only!!! It's about $22 for all that! You need to make appointment before going to avoid dissapointments We went there walked in and I kinda like the pla