
Post Wedding - 2 weeks of marriage life

Bismillah! Sorry for no updates since before and after the wedding. It was hard to blog at work, not like how I used to in my previous school and now, after marriage is even worse as at home (or my MIL place, I have to bring home my work lappy to blog) and no time. Yes, you may hear this sentences way too many times that there's no time to blog and people will abandon their blogs just like that. The thing is, it is true! We came back from our honeymoon feeling tired and under the weather as the haze was at it's peak at that moment of time. Me being me, always kena food poisoning. Luckily I ate the charcoal pills earlier but I always keep on going to the loo coz of my bowel movements. We both like tekak loya, my MIL lagi boleh say ntah2 dah ade isi and I was like, it's only 2 weeks! There's barely nothing! hahah. I shall blog about my prewedding prep work and the craziness and greatness that we (and my bridemaids of course) go through. And the real date as well.

DIY Veil

Ever think that if you want to buy veil mcm susah and tak worth it? Nak rent pun dgn sape kan? How about you DIY your own veil to suit your preference? Before anything, just understand the type of veils that you are looking for: After that, you buy your fabric. For me I love chiffon rather than net, so just buy cheap ones at Arab St kedai apek also can. And also lace and/or beads. Then lay it flat and cut it. Usually in semi circle, jadi nanti cantik kalau dah pakai Something like this. You also can have the more beads at you head area More beads pun boleh jugak For me, mine is vey simple as the lace is very heavy beading. I like the lace to be long so that when I wear it nampak more elaborated gitu Sneak peak! Yeah, malas nak pakai anak tudung, I had to draw very ugly ninja for now. As for the sides, you just jahit tangan selembat and put the beads to cover out the selembat. So nampak lagi kemas :)) Enjoy trying ladies!

My oh so drama videographer - VS

Last year, when we came to their office, we thought that we had the same vibe, the same thinking and the same goals of what videography and cinematography means. We were wrong. 1 year and half passed and it is only left with 3 weeks to our wedding, my videographer, VS just suddenly changed the contract agreement that we had signed. Padehal I texted them sebelum puasa, sebelum raya when is the 2nd appointment will be on and brape banyak deposit nak kene bawak. And they didnt say anything about it. Pulak tu aku tgh stress kat keje with all the showcases and concerts going on after hari raya week, the lady in team just texted me about the appointment date and the amended contract. I was like WHATTTTTTTT~ jgn mcm ni lah. Aku tgh sibuk kerje abe u just drop a bomb mcm tu. haiz. so aku complain to my friends and cousin, minta opinion and most of them were like, no-no. But after consulted with my parents, my parents told me it was kinda last minute to change vendor. And kalau tukar vendo

Pre-wedding Photoshoot - the halal way

A photo posted by Fiza Aw (@fiza_licious) on Aug 5, 2015 at 10:10am PDT Today will be the day I hit my 30 day mark. Exactly one more month to go. Things that I've settled EXCEPT for: Hanging the curtains in my room Go for Spa and pampering myself Haven't survey the flowers at the orchid Haven't sent the remaining card I have Confirm with my bridal dress for final fitting CAR Kompang-to reconfirm Dj/Announcer and another 20 more songs to download Buy bedroom set stuff at Courts I'll be meeting my vendors soon: 8 Aug - Bedroom set at Mr A house 11 Aug - VideoSmith 12 Aug - Bliss 1 week before wedding - Deco team ---------------------------------------------------------- My cousins a.k.a. bridesmaids and my brothers very mentel supportive people when the want to layan me having a pre-wedding photoshoot and without the groom. Luckily we decided that way because we won't create awkwardness with my bridesmaid and my brothers. Act

3 months! My confirmation will be on September!

Time pass-by so fast and it's already 3 months since I've been working in SOTA. To tell you the truth, I still have withdrawal symptoms tho. I still would prefer my ex-colleagues, dorang gerek giler. Even up till now we still contact and they asked me whether I open orders for kuih raya. I guess they too never had a CCPE/SPE that was so close before too that they felt the gerekness. How awesome we are kan? But in the long run, I wouldn't want to work for the same position lah, I nak keje lagi 8 years man, takkan kat sama tempat? I would come back as a different position. Hmmmm. Admin manager ke? Tu pun kalau dah dpt degree lah kan. HAHAHHA. I miss them so much, I miss nice and cheap food, I miss friendly people in the whole school, I miss the garden, I miss the gardeners, I miss the security guards, I miss cheap transportation and fast and near. I miss everything actually. Sigh. Why? People here are less friendly and they are workaholic, they dont talk much to each o